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Tuesday 11 December 2018

Santa Claus: The Interview...

We had a very special guest in store this week, the real Father Christmas (yes, really!) took time out of his busy schedule to come and sprinkle festive cheer over Judith Hart Jewellers.

Once he'd parked up the reindeer in the intu Centre car park and grabbed a Gingerbread Latte and Festive Bake for his lunch we were able to sit down with Mr December himself and ask him the questions that everybody wants the answers to...
'So, what do you prefer to be called? Father Chrismas? Santa? Kris Kringle?'
'Oh I have so many different names I'll answer to most things nowadays! Santa will do just fine for today, and maybe Father Christmas on formal occasions - at least that's what I sign on the bottom of the elves payslips! I won't tell you what Mrs Claus has called me on occasion!'

'Speaking of Mrs Claus - is there anything from here you think she'd like from us for Christmas?' (Santa suddenly looks petrified...)
Well Mrs Claus doesn't know I'm here right now, she's back at the North Pole keeping an eye over everything - I'm on Top Secret Christmas Business you see - so I think on this occasion it's a case of 'What Mrs Claus Doesn't Know Won't Hurt Her...'

'Have you ever thought of moving to somewhere a little warmer?'
'You live in England my dear girl - I could ask you the same question! Ho, ho, ho!'

'Everybody knows that the elves make A LOT of the toys and gifts we receive each Christmas, but what about the presents that the elves can't make? Where do those come from?'
'Well most of them I buy in the Black Friday Sales you see. If you keep your eye's peeled whilst watching the news Black Friday evening, you might even see me on the tele wrestling somebody for a Go-Pro in ASDA!

'Once the hectic Christmas season has finished, do you and Mrs Claus go on holiday?'
'The wife always wants to go somewhere cold like back home but I prefer Mexico-ho-ho! Beard flapping in the warm breeze and what-not! Of course, I refuse to go to an airport until after New Years! Far too busy for my liking, I think if I went into a crowded airport this side of Christmas I'd have to put myself on the naughty list for next year!

'Now the one EVERYBODY wants to do you fit down those chimneys?' 
'Well it was a lot easier in my younger days before all the mince pies and glasses of Sherry, I'll tell you that for free! Once I was too erm... 'jolly' to fit down the chimneys myself I had to tell the elves to phone the company that supplies the Flying Powder for the Reindeer and order some Shrinking Powder for me... Mrs Claus says my extra 'jolliness' makes me look handsome, so I'm perfectly happy!

'Santa, thank you for visiting us today! One last question, what do you think the true spirit of Christmas is?'  
'You mean apart from Sherry? Ho, ho ho! To me Christmas is a time to love, appreciate and cherish one another, it doesn't have to cost you the earth, it just has to mean the world to somebody!

Judith Hart Jewellers